Quality certificates

Quality is our priority in cheese elaboration

Much more product quality is demanded by consumers day by day.

Safety is an essential quality characteristic in food production. Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) are a basic tool for getting safety products to humans, centralized in sanitation and handling system.

In our company it is considered a priority to fulfill these requirements when elaborating our cheeses.

- Certificado IRAM NM 323:2010 - Implementación y Gestión de un Sistema de Análisis de Peligros y Puntos Críticos de Control.

- Certificado IRAM NM 324:2010 - Buenas Prácticas de Manufactura en Industria de Alimentos.

Certificado IRAM-NM-323-2010
Certificado IRAM-NM-324-2010

- Document "Criteria for the Disclosure of the Certification of Management Systems and the Use of Logo" Download

- Document "Application of the Marks of Conformity of the IRAM Certification for Products, Processes and Services" Download

Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) and Traceability Certification

It’s the final link in the elaboration of our cheeses, made in the best new generation plants together with traditional labor in order to get the best product.

Our staff has permanent training , letting us to have good manufacturing practices (GMP) and traceability, adding also a bromatology laboratory to analise quality and safety from raw material to final product, in its total process.

We have SE.NA.SA. qualification to export our Cheeses.